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Miscellaneous Tools

​View statistics over time to compare data and to spot trends. Data is presented in visually stunning, animated graphics.

Create and share documents, presentations, surveys, drawings, spreadsheets, and tables online.

Take screenshots and record screencasts (videos of your computer screen). Create tutorials and share them with your students via a unique url. Save all your videos online on

Create captivating word clouds. Upload content or copy and paste from the Internet. The words with the most frequency appear largest. Compare two speeches or determine the main idea of a story,

Create an annotated tour of the web. Give your students a set of links with directions for each one. Students can create a web tour to show how they conducted their research.

Turns any iPad or web browser into a recordable, interactive whiteboard, making it easy for teachers and to create engaging video lessons and share them on the web. Students can replay these lessons any time, any place, on any connected device.​

Noodle Bib Express is a very accurate citation machine. You don't have to second-guess your italics, semi-colons, indents, etc.​

The social network for educators interested in Web 2.0 technology in the classroom and global collaboration.



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